leafing aluminum paste

Leafing and Non-leafing Aluminum Paste

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Leafing and Non-leafing Aluminum Paste

In the world of coatings, paints, inks, and cosmetics, aluminum paste is an important material that provides various benefits and versatility for its wide range of applications. A notable distinction with this indispensable material is whether it is leafing or non-leafing. Their unique properties bring the exploration of differences within the characterization and applications.

Leafing Aluminum Paste

Leafing aluminum paste is a type of aluminum pigment characterized by its ability to rise to the surface of a coating or ink when applied and allowed to dry. The aluminum flakes in the leafing paste are coated with organic materials, making them less dense than the surrounding medium. As a result, these flakes float or “leaf” to the surface when the solvent or carrier evaporates during the drying process.

Here are some of the key properties of leafing aluminum paste:

  • Brightness: Leafing aluminum paste provides a brilliant, shiny appearance to coatings and inks due to the tendency of aluminum flakes to rise to the surface.
  • Improved Reflectivity: Leafing aluminum paste is suitable for decorative and aesthetically pleasing applications because of its enhanced reflectivity and metallic finish.
  • Poor Corrosion Resistance: The leafing aluminum paste is not suitable for applications where corrosion resistance is primarily required.

Applications of Leafing Aluminum Paste:

  • Automotive coatings: The leafing aluminum paste is often used in automotive paints to achieve a glossy and metallic finish.
  • Printing Inks: It is used in various inks for packaging and decorative printing for metallic and shiny effects.
  • Cosmetics: Leafing aluminum paste is also incorporated in cosmetics such as nail polish and eyeshadows to provide a reflective and metallic appearance.

Non-leafing Aluminum Paste

Non-leafing aluminum paste, in contrast, is designed to remain dispersed within the coating or ink and does not rise to the surface during drying. The flakes in non-leafing paste are typically coated with materials that promote adhesion to the surrounding medium, preventing them from floating to the top.

Here are the key properties of non-leafing aluminum paste:

  • Improved Corrosion Resistance: Non-leafing paste is known for its better corrosion resistance as its aluminum flakes are encapsulated within the coating.
  • Uniform Appearance: Non-leafing aluminum paste typically provides a uniform and matte appearance which is ideal for applications that do not require glossiness.
  • Enhanced Mechanical Properties: The non-leafing aluminum paste can contribute to improved mechanical properties such as scratch resistance and durability in various coatings.

Applications of non-leafing aluminum paste:

  • Protective Coatings: Non-leafing paste is often used in industrial and protective coatings for its ability to provide corrosion resistance.
  • Architectural Paints: The non-leafing aluminum paste is usually employed in architectural paints to achieve durable and weather-resistant finishes of exterior and interior finishes.
  • Inks for Packaging: Packaging materials with printing inks use non-leafing aluminum paste for its uniform metallic appearance.

Want to purchase wholesale high-purity aluminum paste?

Visit the leading manufacturer and supplier – Five Star Materials for your specific aluminum paste needs.  We carry a wide range of aluminum paste and pigments for various applications in industries and sectors. Contact us for your inquiries.



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