distributeur de pâte d'aluminium

Revêtements métalliques décoratifs et fonctionnels : L'effet exclusif des pigments d'aluminium

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Revêtements métalliques décoratifs et fonctionnels : L'effet exclusif des pigments d'aluminium

Decorative coatings in modern society are evolving at a rapid pace of improved performance with the help of advanced technology and innovation. With the number of pigments that are currently enhancing the visual appearance of products and surfaces, one material stands out as it has been proven for its functional characteristics – aluminum pigments. Aluminum pigments are often incorporated in coatings, inks, and paintings due to their metallic effects and benefits. Due to its growing popularity, many enhancements have been provided to its revolutionary decorative characteristics with more possibility of improvements as advanced technology becomes a key player in its development.

What is Aluminum Pigment Coating?

Qu'est-ce que la pâte d'aluminium ?

Aluminum pigment coating also commonly known as aluminum paste pigments has various fields of usage and applications in coatings, inks, paintings, etc. It is made of aluminum flakes which are highly valued for industrial coatings due to its protective and anti-corrosion properties allowing enhancements and improvement of materials. It is also used for food packaging, pharmaceuticals, electricals, and solar panels for several reasons mainly because it is reflective, non-toxic, and has a good insulating feature.

There are various types of aluminum paste pigments, the two most commonly known are non-leafing and leafing aluminum paste.

Leafing aluminum pigment is a specialized powder that floats above the coating film during the drying process allowing more brightness of metallic effect on surfaces. Non-leafing aluminum remains dispersed in even uniformity of the coating film creating more dense results or a matte-like finish on the surface of materials.

Plus d'informations : Leafing and Non-leafing Aluminum Paste

A Metallic Brilliant Effect from Aluminum Pigment Coatings

Aluminum pigment coatings with their variations and varying particle size distribution can impart different results in applications yet its most prominent feature is creating a metallic and brilliant effect on surfaces and materials. Its characteristics allow a sophisticated appearance and improved performance of powder or liquid coatings to withstand the elements of corrosion. Aside from that, aluminum pigments are known to be durable both for interior and exterior applications, as well as heat resistant, corrosion resistant, and lastly have non-toxic elements that promote sustainability.

Here are the example results of aluminum pigment applications for various applications:

Revêtements décoratifs 副本
Revêtements pour jantes 副本
Emballage alimentaire 副本
revêtements originaux

Source from the Experts! Know the Leading Manufacturer and Reliable Supplier of Aluminum Pigment Pastes

For high-quality aluminum pigment coatings don’t compromise with cheap offers, ensure to purchase it with the experts – Matériau cinq étoiles has rich experience in developing the best and innovative solutions for sophisticated results and unmatched quality. The company indulges in meeting the needs and satisfaction of customers and industries by producing high-purity aluminum pigment pastes. We have worked in partnerships with different industries worldwide to bring sustainable and convenient materials for better and enhanced decorative coatings. To find out more of the best qualities and capabilities of Five Star Material contact us with your industry needs and project requirements and we will work to ease your search for the right supplier.



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