Aluminum paste for aerated concrete is crafted from high-purity aluminum powder (aluminum content ≥98%) and composite stabilizers. It is available in two types: oil-based (75-grade, 65-grade) and water-based, with a solid content of 75%-85%. Compliant with the JCT407-2008 National Standard for Aluminum Paste in Aerated Concrete, this product excels in performance, stability, and environmental sustainability.
Aluminum paste is critical in producing AAC, directly influencing its pore structure and performance. This study explores the types, properties, preparation processes, and application standards of aluminum paste in aerated concrete production. It also highlights the technological evolution from traditional dry aluminum powder to modern water-based aluminum paste. The findings reveal that water-based aluminum paste significantly improves gas generation efficiency, simplifies production processes, reduces costs, and minimizes environmental pollution.
Aerated concrete is a lightweight, porous building material. During production, aluminum paste reacts with an alkaline environment to release hydrogen gas, creating numerous tiny bubbles that form a porous structure. These pores enhance the material’s thermal insulation, soundproofing, and strength while maintaining lightweight properties.
Aluminum paste is added precisely, typically 7-9 parts per 10,000 raw materials. This small addition generates sufficient gas to expand the concrete slurry, forming the desired pore structure. The quality and activity of the aluminum paste directly affect the expansion, pore distribution, and final performance of the aerated concrete, making it an indispensable component in the production process.
Aluminum paste reacts with alkaline substances (primarily from lime and cement) in the concrete slurry to release hydrogen gas. This reaction requires a specific temperature range, usually 35°C-40°C, to meet process demands. The generated bubbles distribute evenly throughout the slurry, causing it to expand and form a porous structure. During subsequent autoclave curing, these pores solidify, resulting in lightweight yet strong aerated concrete.
Aluminum paste reacts with alkaline substances (e.g., lime) to produce hydrogen gas, forming uniformly distributed closed pores. The reaction equation is: 2𝐴𝑙+3𝐶𝑎(𝑂𝐻)2+6𝐻2𝑂→3𝐶𝑎𝑂⋅𝐴𝑙2𝑂3⋅6𝐻2𝑂+3𝐻2↑2Al+3Ca(OH)2+6H2O→3CaO⋅Al2O3⋅6H2O+3H2↑ This process reduces the density of aerated concrete to 500-700 kg/m³, just one-fifth that of ordinary concrete, significantly lowering building weight.
The porous structure formed by aluminum paste enhances material performance:
Aluminum paste enables the synergistic enhancement of lightweight, high-strength, and energy-efficient properties by systematically optimizing the uniformity, pore size distribution, and pore wall strength of aerated concrete. Specific process parameters should be dynamically adjusted based on raw material characteristics and production line conditions.
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Choosing the right size of product gives you the best value for money. Our Metal Flash Aluminum Silver Paste is available in a wide range of particle sizes and purities, with prices varying by specification. By communicating your needs in detail and choosing the right size, you can get the best value for your money.
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