Вакуумные металлизированные пигменты

Knowing the Marvels of Vacuum Metallized Aluminum Pigment


Knowing the Marvels of Vacuum Metallized Aluminum Pigment

Вакуумные металлизированные пигменты

In the modern world of brilliance in industrial and automotive coatings, the unsung hero that provides an unequal enhancement in numerous finished products is called vacuum metalized aluminum pigment. The substance is a remarkable innovation of adding a protective layer and transforming everyday objects into shimmering and dazzling art. Let’s delve into more details about the unique properties of the vacuum metalized aluminum pigment.

What is Vacuum Metallized Aluminum Pigment?

Vacuum metalized aluminum pigment is a type of pigment made by depositing a thin layer of aluminum metal on a substrate such as plastic film or paper. The specialized form of vacuum metalized aluminum pigment is achieved through a manufacturing process known as vacuum metallization. The process results in the highly reflective and mirror-like finish of aluminum pigment that forms a smooth and uniform layer through its composition of fine metallic powder.

The Production Process of Vacuum Metallized Aluminum Pigment

The production of vacuum metalized aluminum pigment is noted to be precise and controlled by a system of organized manufacturing. Here are the four main processes of vacuum-metallized aluminum pigment:

  1. Substrate Preparation

The first step of the process begins with a suitable substrate, the most common materials include polyester film or a solid material like glass or plastic. The substrate is cleaned properly as preparation to ensure proper adhesion of the pigment.

2. Vacuum Chamber Deposition

The substrate is placed inside a vacuum chamber while a high-purity aluminum wire or aluminum pellets are heated until they vaporize. These aluminum vapors will be deposited onto the substrate’s surface.

3. Controlled Deposition

The deposition process of the pigment is meticulously controlled to achieve the desired thickness of the aluminum layer. This will result in the high reflectivity and optical properties of the aluminum pigment to ensure great quality.

4. Particle Size Reduction

After the deposition process, the aluminum-coated substrate will be grounded into fine particles finally creating the vacuum-metallized aluminum pigment.

Advantages of Vacuum Metallized Aluminum Pigment

Here are some of the valuable advantages of vacuum-metallized aluminum pigment:

  • High Reflectivity: The vacuum metalized aluminum pigment is very reflective which is ideal for many applications that require metallic or pearlescent finish like automotive coatings, paints, and inks.
  • Долговечность: Vacuum metalized aluminum pigment is very durable and it can withstand harsh environments and weather conditions like heat, dust, and cold.
  • Универсальность: Vacuum metalized aluminum pigment has a wide range of applications on different surfaces like metal, plastics, and wood.

Here is some important summary of details about the vacuum metalized aluminum pigment:

  • The process of producing vacuum metalized aluminum pigment is called physical vapor deposition or PVD.
  • The aluminum is vaporized in a vacuum chamber and then deposited on the substrate of choice.
  • The thickness of the aluminum layer can be controlled to achieve the desired finish of vacuum metalized aluminum pigment.
  • Vacuum metalized aluminum pigment is available in a variety of colors including silver, gold, and copper.

Purchase high-purity aluminum pigment paste from a reliable manufacturer and supplier – Материалы Five Star. Find the best innovative solutions that can enhance your projects! Связаться с нами now for more details and information.

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