Алюминиевый пигмент с покрытием из смолы

Types of Aluminum Paste and Their Industry Applications


Types of Aluminum Paste and Their Industry Applications

Водорастворимая плавающая алюминиевая паста

The modern appearance of society has proposed various demands in aesthetics and quality that have become more formidable to accommodate yet the innovative side of technology and engineering is always ready to take in the challenge. In the renowned industries of automotive, cosmetics, packaging, coatings, etc. metallic pigment has a widespread influence over their growing value to consumers. This indispensable material is known as the aluminum paste, with a vast potential and numerous benefits to offer it creates a brilliant highlight in the surfaces of metal, plastic, substances, and even on clothing lines.

Читать далее: Что такое алюминиевая паста?

In a broad definition, aluminum paste is a finely grounded aluminum with uniform particles dispersed in a carrier medium. Its composition typically includes three particulars aluminum powder, solvent, and additives. Aluminum paste is popularly blended or used along with other materials and substances for varying purposes. They can be used in a multitude of applications due to their prevailing enhancements and benefits such as barrier properties and aesthetics.

To further know about the qualities of aluminum paste, let’s explore its different types and their application areas: 

Leafing and Non-Leafing Aluminum Paste

  • Leafing aluminum paste is characterized and can be identified by its aluminum particles that tend to float to the surface of coatings or inks, creating a reflective, metallic sheen. For this reason, leafing aluminum paste is often utilized in automotive coatings or high-end printing inks because of its noticeable shine that gives a brilliant and glossy finish on the surface of vehicles and other applications.
  • In contrast, non-leafing aluminum paste consists of particles that remain dispersed throughout the composition of coatings or inks, providing a more uniform appearance when applied on surfaces. This type of aluminum paste is favored or mostly employed by industrial coatings and certain types of packaging industry due to their uniform quality which often appears more matte or satin in applications to final products.

Solvent-Based and Water-Based Aluminum Paste:

  • Solvent-based aluminum paste uses organic solvents as its carrier liquid to become an effective solution for coatings or inks. Because they have fast drying and excellent adhesion over materials, solvent-based aluminum paste is popularly used in automotive coatings for crucial areas.
  • Water-based aluminum paste is a growing innovative solution for eco-friendly applications. This type of aluminum paste is a sustainable choice for environmentally conscious customers or industries due to its natural carrier which is water. Currently, the water-based aluminum paste is used in eco-friendly packaging and other industries that opt for sustainable practices.

Functional Applications of Aluminum Paste

  1. Автоматизированная индустрия: A complex industry with several areas of utilization on aluminum paste from coating vehicle parts to providing a metallic luster on the vehicle finish. The automotive industry becomes more appealing with the help of aluminum paste coatings which do more than just aesthetics but also have a reflective finish that shields from UV radiation and corrosion.
  2. Printing Inks: Unbeknownst to many, the printing industry has intricate requirements for materials they use to provide a striking appearance of prints and labels on a multitude of products. Aluminum paste is a matching ingredient that adds a shimmering and brilliant effect to the metallic inks of the printing industry.
  3. Cosmetics: The primary sector of the cosmetic industry has a huge need for pearlescent finish and metallic effects which can only be provided by aluminum paste. With its unmatched quality in making shimmering glitter effects on nail polis, eye shadows, and other cosmetics, the aluminum paste has become an essential component of the industry.
  4. Construction Materials: The growing trend of incorporating aluminum paste in more products has reached the premise of incorporating it into the painting materials of construction. They not only provide the much-needed aesthetic appeal in the sector but also the remarkable protection against environmental influences.

Finding the right material for a project does not have to be a tedious job when you can easily consult an expert in the field, and learn more about aluminum paste and pigments from a professional manufacturer and supplier of high-purity aluminum particles and products – Материалы Five Star.

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Компания Five Star Materials создана для создания качественной алюминиевой пигментной пасты с конкурентоспособными ценами для вас, а также предлагает техническую поддержку и эксклюзивные услуги для вашего бизнеса.



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